When considering building your first aquarium, you might be deciding between two different types of aquariums: freshwater or saltwater. But you must understand the differences between the two…
The significant difference between a saltwater and a freshwater fish tank can be summed up into 4 different major categories. Those categories will be cost, equipment, type of livestock, and maintenance.
Below, I’ll dive deeper into each of these four categories so you understand the differences between these two types of fish tanks…
My goal is to have provided you with enough information by the end of this post so that you can wisely choose which type of fish tank is best for you and your current situation.
Difference Between Saltwater and Freshwater Aquariums
A freshwater tank and a saltwater tank have many differences that you should consider. The most obvious is that one can use fresh tap water and the other needs salt water. But there is more than just the difference in water type you should be thinking about…
Freshwater aquariums are great for first-time fish keepers. They tend to be lower cost and easier to maintain than their saltwater counterparts. Saltwater tanks tend to cost more and require more care to maintain one.
Also the types of livestock you can house within each type will significantly differ as well!
So, let’s dive deep into the differences between these two types of aquariums…
One of the biggest differences between these two types of tanks is the cost…
Hands down, a saltwater fish tank costs much more than a freshwater fish tank.
Saltwater aquariums require more special equipment. First of all, you will need to purchase salt in order to get the salinity of your water within the right parameters. Also, most people running a reef tank or saltwater setup opt to have a RODI Water System in order to get their water parameters within the precise ranges.
This means more cost in just water care alone…
But it doesn’t stop there. You will need more equipment to run a saltwater setup. Most of these tanks use a sump to filter and treat their water along with a protein skimmer. (some of these pieces of equipment may not be necessary depending on your setup)
Depending on what you’re housing in your tank, there may be certain requirements for water current, which means more equipment like a waver maker will be needed…
No, we’re not done yet…
The price of livestock drastically increases when dealing with saltwater fish tanks compared to freshwater tanks.
Last but not least, water tanks can be aquascaped with plants, but most of these plants will not thrive in a saltwater environment. Instead, saltwater tanks are aquascaped with coral…
And you bet coral is a lot more pricey than freshwater plants.
If you want to get an idea of how much a cheap freshwater aquascape will cost you. Then check out this post below:
So, if you are inexperienced in fishkeeping or have a limited budget, I suggest you go with a freshwater fish tank. But that doesn’t mean saltwater tanks are bad (I personally love them and plan on building one in the future)
I’m just saying when comparing the two. Freshwater tanks are more affordable than saltwater tanks.
As you’ve probably guessed by now…
Another difference between freshwater tanks and saltwater tanks is the equipment. Freshwater tanks can be built and maintained with little to no pieces of equipment. (especially if you opt for the Walstad Method in your freshwater tank)
But you will need or want to have a few additional pieces of equipment when maintaining a saltwater tank—things like a sump, protein skimmer, sea salt, hydrometer, RODI System, etc.
Remember that the type of livestock and setup you want to run will determine what kind of equipment is going to be needed.
Which brings me to the next point. Let’s talk about the difference in livestock.
Ok, I’ve already talked about the difference between livestock regarding price…
But now, let’s talk about the difference in variety!
I think Saltwater aquariums win in this category when we’re discussing variety.
The fish and different livestock you have to choose from within saltwater tanks is absolutely mind-blowing. These are some of the most exotic and colorful fish you will ever see!
This is also why I want to build a saltwater tank because of your options with this type of tank.
Don’t get me wrong, freshwater tanks still have a great selection of fish, but saltwater tanks just have more of an exotic and colorful selection of fish when compared between the two different aquariums.
Also, you can keep, grow, and maintain coral within a saltwater tank, which you don’t have in a freshwater setup.
Last but not least…
There is a difference in maintenance. Both tanks require care and maintenance. But saltwater systems will require more from you compared to a freshwater tank…
Saltwater livestock and coral are more sensitive to changes in water parameters. You’ll want to make sure you are an experienced aquarist and will be able to perform routine maintenance on a saltwater setup.
That means a more frequent and diligent maintenance routine will be required…
On the other hand, depending on what you stock in a freshwater tank, your maintenance routine can be pretty relaxed, especially if you have a low-stocked, well-balanced planted tank going.
You can check out this post on how do you maintain a planted tank for my recommended maintenance schedule.
And keep in mind this is just a general rule. Understand that maintenance depends on how you stock your tank and what you plan to keep in there.
Pros Of A Freshwater Aquarium
- More affordable.
- Easier to maintain.
- Able to use conditioned tap water.
- Use aquatic plants within your aquascape.
Pros Of A Saltwater Aquarium
- More colorful and wider variety of exotic fish and livestock.
- Able to use coral within your aquascape.
Final Thoughts On The Difference Between A Saltwater And Freshwater Fish Tank
These are the main differences between these two types of aquariums. By now, you should have a good idea of which aquarium is right for you.
If you are on a low budget and are new to fishkeeping or aquariums in general, Then I recommend you start with a freshwater tank. These tanks tend to be more budget-friendly and easier to maintain compared to a saltwater tank.
But if you want more of a challenge, you want a wider selection of exotic fish with vibrant colors, or you want to create an aquarium with coral, then saltwater will be the way to go.
At the end of the day, it’s completely up to you to decide. Everyone’s experience, budget, and what they want to create is different. It’s important to go with what you can afford and what will be the most fun for you to keep!